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VKPR aws rds init


Create a RDS database


Interactive inputs:

  vkpr aws rds init [flags]

Non-interactive without setting values or using VKPR Values:

  vkpr aws rds init --default

Argument Reference


  --default         Use to automatically fill inputs with default values
--instance_name Specifies the RDS instance name.
--instance_type Specifies the RDS instance type.
--dbname Specifies the name of the new database.
--dbuser Specifies the username of the database owner.
--dbpassword Specifies the database owners user password.

Values File


The following arguments are supported:

  • instanceName - (Required) Specifies the RDS instance name. The default is rds-sample.
  • instanceType - (Required) Specifies the RDS instance type. Allowed Values: db.t3.micro, db.m5.large, db.m5.xlarge, db.t4g.micro, db.m6g.large, db.m6g.xlarge. The default is db.t3.micro.
  • dbName - (Required) Specifies the name of the new database. The default is vkprDb.
  • dbUser - (Required) Specifies the username of the database owner. The default is vkprUser.
  • dbPassword - (Required) Specifies the database owner's user password. The default is vkpr1234.

Environment values

The following variables are supported:

  • rds
    • instanceName - VKPR_ENV_RDS_INSTANCE_NAME
    • instanceType - VKPR_ENV_RDS_INSTANCE_TYPE
    • dbName - VKPR_ENV_RDS_DB_NAME
    • dbUser - VKPR_ENV_RDS_DB_USER
    • dbPassword - VKPR_ENV_RDS_DB_PASSWORD

Setting Provider credentials

CAUTION: Setting credentials manually will override the credentials already saved in memory


  rit set credential --provider="aws" --fields="accesskeyid,secretaccesskey,region" --values="your-accesskey,your-secretaccess,your-region"


  rit set credential --provider="postgres" --fields="password" --values="your-access-password"

See Also