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VKPR devportal install


Install devportal into cluster. For more information about devportal, click here.


Interactive inputs:

  vkpr devportal install [flags]

Non-interactive without setting values or using VKPR Values:

  vkpr devportal install --default

Argument Reference


  --default              Use to automatically fill inputs with default values
--dry_run Simulate an install
--domain Set the application address
--secure Using HTTPS in the application
--github_spechouseurl Specifies the address of the Swagger Spec on github

Values File


The following arguments are supported by the globals:

  • domain - (Required) Define the domain used by the application. The default is localhost.
  • secure - (Required) Specifies if the services from the application will expose HTTPS ports inside the cluster. The default is false.
  • namespace - (Optional) Define where the application will be provisioned. The default is vkpr.
  • ingressClassName - (Optional) Define which ingress controller will expose the application. The default is nginx.


The following arguments are supported:

  • enabled - (Required unless using the vkpr apply) Enable the auto install from the application.
  • namespace - (Optional) Define where the application will be provisioned. The default is vkpr.
  • ingressClassName - (Optional) Define which ingress controller will expose the application. The default is nginx.
  • helmArgs - (Optional) Used when you need to change some value or add a new value to the helm values used by the formula.

Using helmArgs the application may behave in a way that VKPR may not be used in the best way it was designed. Use it when you know what you're doing

Environment values

The following variables are supported:


Setting DevPortal credentials


  rit set credential --provider="okta" --fields="clientid,clientsecret,audience" --values="my-clientid,my-clientsecret,my-audienc"


  rit set credential --provider="github" --fields="token" --values="my-token"

About the Formula

Chart Version: 0.1.2
Application Version: v1.0.0
Helm Chart: veecode-plataform/devportal

See Also