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VKPR aws eks init


Fork and setup the GitOps Repo in your Gitlab, using Gitlab Backend to save the Terraform state.


Interactive inputs:

  vkpr aws eks init [flags]

Non-interactive without setting values or using VKPR Values:

  vkpr aws eks init --default

Argument Reference


  --default                      Use to automatically fill inputs with default value provided on config.json
--cluster_name Specifies the EKS Cluster name.
--k8s_version Specifies the EKS Kubernetes Version.
--cluster_size Specifies the number of Nodes.
--cluster_node_instance_type Specifies the EKS Node instance type.
--capacity_type Specifies the Node Group capacity type.
--terraform_state Specifies where you want to store the TF state.

Values File


The following arguments are supported:

  • clusterName - (Required) Specify the name of the cluster in AWS EKS. The default is eks-sample.
  • version - (Required) Define the Kubernetes version used. Allowed Values: 1.21, 1.20, 1.19, 1.18, 1.17. The default is 1.21.
  • nodes
    • instaceType - (Required) Specifies the type of ec2 created to the nodes. Allowed Values: t3.small, m5.large, m5.xlarge, t4g.small, m6g.large, m6g.xlarge. The default is t3.small.
    • quantitySize - (Required) Specifies the quantity of nodes created to the cluster. The default is 1.
    • capacityType - (Required) Specify the capacity type from created ec2. Allowed Values: spot, on_demand. The default is on_demand.
  • terraformState - (Required) Specify the backend to store the Terraform state. Allowed Values: terraform-cloud, gitlab. The default is gitlab.

Environment values

The following variables are supported:

  • eks
    • clusterName - VKPR_ENV_EKS_CLUSTER_NAME
    • version - VKPR_ENV_EKS_VERSION
    • terraformState - VKPR_ENV_EKS_TERRAFORM_STATE
    • nodes

Setting Provider credentials

CAUTION: Setting credentials manually will override the credentials already saved in memory


  rit set credential --provider="aws" --fields="accesskeyid,secretaccesskey,region" --values="your-accesskey,your-secretaccess,your-region"


  rit set credential --provider="gitlab" --fields="token,username" --values="your-token,your-username"

Terraform Cloud

  rit set credential --provider="terraformcloud" --fields="token" --values="your-token"

See Also