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VKPR Basics

Adopting Kubernetes is a challenging mission for companies of any size - it has a steep learning curve and skilled professionals are very hard to come by. Although managed kubernetes offerings from cloud vendors are a great step in a good direction, it is still hard to find the best way to provision and maintain them.

Once provisioned, it is even harder to go from a barebones cluster to a production-ready one: what tools and settings do I need for monitoring, security, logging or backup? How can I automate their setup in a simple and repeatable way?

What is VKPR

VKPR was developed to make Kubernetes easier to use. It is composed of:

  • A very clean CLI with a simple syntax
  • Automations and ready-to-use pipelines that make your life easier
  • Third-party open-source components

VKPR was organized in a way in can deliver both a production-ready Kubernetes with minimal effort as well as a quick local development environment that can be discarded easily.

Developer workflow

VKPR supports convenient workflows for a developer that must rely on kubernetes but wishes to avoid its complexity.

Things you can do with VKPR working as a local development tool:

  • Provision local kubernetes clusters that can be discarded easily (using k3d)
  • Deploy VKPR components locally
  • Run a local private Docker registry and a local registry mirror (image pull cache for kubernetes)

Things you can do with VKPR working as a remote development tool:

  • Provision simple remote kubernetes clusters that can be discarded easily (using DigitalOcean as provider)
  • Deploy VKPR components remotely


Deployment workflow

VKPR supports convenient self-service workflows for provisioning and configuring production-ready kubernetes clusters. VKPR also enforces a GitOps workflow for provisioning automation.

  • Provision AWS EKS kubernetes clusters from a declared definition (GitOps repos)

  • Deploy VKPR components remotely

  • Drop GitLab pipelines for a pull-reconcile approach for components (Argo or Flux)