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Getting started

Let's launch a local cluster using VKPR in less than 5 minutes.
Note: You need Docker installed for this to work.


The VKPR CLI tool will do its best to hide its internals (including Ritchie).

# Install the VKPR
curl -fsSL | bash
# Create alias
alias vkpr="rit vkpr"

Optionally you can use VKPR internal tools by changing PATH:

export PATH=$PATH:~/.vkpr/bin


Try yourself to use VKPR following the next steps:

Create a cluster

After installing VKPR, you may be creating the Kubernetes Cluster in your environment for testing as a production environment.

To do that, you can run the command:

vkpr infra up

Deploy a sample app

To test some application using VKPR, we will use whoami as an example.

For this, we will implement an ingress controller and the whoami itself:

vkpr nginx install --default
vkpr whoami install --default

Now you can test this sample application with a simple curl command:

curl whoami.localhost:8000
# OR
curl -H "Host: whoami.localhost" localhost:8000

Use the second form if whoami.localhost does not resolve to

Discard cluster

After all tests, if you want to destroy the created cluster, you may discard his with a single command:

vkpr infra down

A brief explanation

Each of VKPR's CLI commands is called a formula (implemented using Ritchie).

  • vkpr infra up formula starts a local kubernetes cluster using k3d.
  • vkpr nginx install formula deploys an ingress controller nginx, in this case exposed to localhost in ports 8000 (http) and 8001 (https).
  • vkpr whoami install formula deploys a sample application with a valid ingress configuration.