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Most common errors using Kong (WIP)

Free Kong with Hybrid Kong Mode.

A very common error happens when installing kong where the decision tree gives us some options when starting the installation process.

When vkpr kong install is started, if we select the hybrid option when asked about Kong Mode: we will need to enter the path of a valid Kong enterprise license, because if Kong is installed without a valid license, the installation process will time out and stop.

$ vkpr kong install
? Type the Kong domain: localhost
? Secure ? false
? Kong Mode: (Hybrid only available in Kong Enterprise) hybrid
? Select the plane to install control
? Type the full path to the license: null
? Type the RBAC Admin Password. Has no effect on hybrid data plane installations: vkpr123
? HA ? false
? Dry-run ? false
VKPR Kong Install Routine
Domain: localhost
secret/kong-enterprise-superuser-password labeled
Installing kong...
Release "kong" does not exist. Installing it now.
Error: release kong failed, and has been uninstalled due to atomic being set: timed out waiting for the condition


Enter a valid enterprise license or select dbless or standard when asked about Kong Mode.