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Using VKPR Values

In the previous examples, we tested the applications by going through the decision tree that VKPR offers. One of the tools that is used by VKPR to abstract the values ​​provided by both the decision tree and flags, serial or vkpr.yaml.

If you want to save the state of your applications, rewrite the default values ​​of formulas, and don't always have to go through the decision tree of formulas, we recommend that you use VKPR Values ​​to deploy all the applications you want.


VKPR only finds the values ​​file that is in the current directory where the command was executed.
Example: $(pwd)/vkpr.yaml

Creating the VKPR Values

VKPR values ​​is exclusively written in YAML based on a node structure.

parent-node:    # Application 
child-node: # Argument

Specifying key values ​​for each application is described in the application's documentation.


In VKPR Values, you will be specifying the values ​​to be used in the installation of the application, some of the configurations can be defined in the global domains as the global option that will serve the application if the same configuration is not defined in a child node (some of values ​​will not be able to be specified in the application).

Here is the list of key values ​​in the global option

  • domain - specifies the domain that will be used in the application. The default value is localhost.
  • secure - specifies whether the application will be exposed by the ingressControler as HTTP/HTTPS. The default value is false.
  • ingressClassName - specifies which ingressControler will be responsible for exposing the application. Allowed values: kong and nginx The default value is nginx.
  • namespace - specifies the namespace that will be used for installing applications. The default value is vkpr.
  • provider - (Optional) specifies the provider the application should support. Allowed values: aws, digitalocean and okteto.


VKPR Values ​​also, like global, provides the option to configure cloud provider credentials via the credentials node.

accessKey: ""
secretKey: ""
region: ""
apiToken: ""

Using credentials in this field only works using the formula in vkpr apply.

Precedence of values

There is a precedence of values ​​which VKPR follows, some of the values ​​have their own options within application nodes which will have a higher precedence than the global values. The values ​​they have between global and applications are: ingresClassName and namespace.

Precedence example
namespace: "foo"
namespace: "bar"
# The whoami application will be installed in the "bar" namespace

Generally speaking, it's not just vkpr.yaml that takes precedence, all values ​​that vkpr receives take precedence.

The order of precedence from minor to major is as follows:

  • default - Default value if not specified previously.
  • env - (environment variable) variable values ​​of your environment.
  • VKPR values - (vkpr.yaml) values ​​assigned by having or specifying the VKPR Values ​​configuration file in your default directory.
  • input - Values ​​defined in the decision tree or assigned by flags.

Example VKPR Values

domain: localhost
secure: false
ingressClassName: nginx
namespace: vkpr
provider: ""
accessKey: ""
secretKey: ""
region: ""
apiToken: ""